Research Experience

Research porfolio

I have worked as a researcher since 1995 and have participated in several research projects. I started my academic research work and scientific publishing already before my graduation when I returned from my student fellowship year spend at the University of Edinburgh in 1991. Several of these early scientific publications were included in my award-winning 1995 master thesis on the biopolitics of life. I started my postgraduate studies immediately after my graduation (1995) working first brief time in the “Diversity, identity and Otherness” research project and then started to prepare my doctoral dissertation on the biopolitics and bio-power.

At the turn of the 21st century, I worked in the Displacement of Politics project funded by the Academy of Finland. In the year 2006 Academy of Finland launched “Power and Society in Finland” Funding Programme. I was active in drafting a funding application, which was successful in the competition and became to form a research project “Governing Competition Society – The Finnish Market Regime in Comparative Perspective: Political Institutions”. I also continued my dissertation research and worked in the University of Helsinki as Senior Assistant in the Politics Proper and as a university teacher in World Politics.

Although I published articles on my dissertation project, I was participating also other research projects and the dissertation project itself was prolonged and developed in a new direction. I finally completed it in 2011 and defended my doctoral thesis in February 2012. The thesis was published as “The Politics of Experience. Michel Foucault’s System of Thought” by the publishing house of the Finnish Researcher Association. During this time, I worked in the project “Rethinking Cultural Diversity in Europe: Beyond Universalism and Particularism” funded by the University of Helsinki: Network for European Studies. Afterwards, I had made research on the political philosophy, political systems of thought, political conceptualization and political ideologies. In the year 2013, I started to make research on extreme forms of political thought and 2014-2016 I worked in the project “The Intellectual Heritage of Radical Cultural Conservatism” funded by the Academy of Finland. In the winter 2015-2016, I was a visiting researcher at the University of Genoa. During my research years, I have also made research on politics, cultural theory and arts and have been often quest lecture in Art universities.