Die Diktatur 1921

Carl Schmitt / 1890-1918 / 1919-1933 / 1933-1945 / 1945-1949 / 1949-1978

  • Schmitt-Dorotic, Carl: Die Diktatur. Von den Anfängen des modernen Souveränitätsgedankens bis zum proletarischen Klassenkampf, München-Leipzig 1921
  • Dictatorship: From the origin of the modern concept of sovereignty to proletarian class struggle. translated by Michael Hoelzl and Graham Ward. Polity Press, Cambridge 2014.
  • Diktatuuri: Modernin suvereenisuusajattelun alusta


There might be a difference between the rule of law in its making and the method of its exercise. In terms of philosophy of law, this is the essence of dictatorship: the general possibility of a separation between the norms of justice and the implementation of law.