Production of learning material

“What becomes to the consistency of the material and to the enthusiasm and knowledge of teacher, your lectures had been the most excellent ones I have never participated in the University. (Student Feedback)

I have always produced my own learning material based on my own research and never simply lectured or taught on given textbooks or on material produced by someone else. This has been the case both in my lecture courses as in my methodological seminars.

The material has been shared with the students in different forms, mainly as slide material and as a textual and visual material, which they had been able to receive straight from the digital environments.

I have also constructed special web courses including recordings, visual and textual materials. All my lecture courses had been supported by digital environments and lectures had been distributed for students in the form of very extensive presentation handouts.

My teaching is always research based and my lectures are connected to the ongoing research projects.

I have prepared thirteenth different research based lecture series and over 30 individual lectures.

Sample of Teaching Handouts:

Lecture courses

  • Politiikan alkunäyttämö 2009. Handouts 211 pages x 6 slides..
  • Poliittinen filosofia modernissa maailmassa 2009. Handouts 145 pages x 6 slides..
  • Thinking and Judging Political with Hannah Arendt. Handouts 38 pages x 6 slides..
  • Länsimainen sota 2005. Handouts 217 pages x 6 slides..


  • Tutkimuksen tekeminen. Master Thesis. Seminar and Praktikum 2008 handouts, 30 pages x 6 slides.

Individual lectures

Textbooks in preparation:

  • Politiikan alkunäyttämö. Antiikin Kreikan poliittinen yhteisö ja ajattelu. Poliittinen ajattelu länsimaisessa traditiossa osa 1
  • Elämän sodat ja soturit. Sodan ajattelun ja käytäntöjen historia Troijan sankareista globaaliin terroriin
  • Mitä on tutkimuksen tekeminen? Opas kysymysten esittämiseen.

Independent digital material for self-education web courses:

  • Poliittinen ajattelu länsimaisessa traditiossa 2006. Tape recordings, visual and textual material, web organization. Used in the Open university 2006-2008.